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11 things every Irish girl had in her bedroom growing up


YOUR BEDROOM IS a sanctuary.

But it’s also home to a lot of embarrassing tat.


1. An absurdly large dreamcatcher dangling over your bed


To catch your dreams, of course.

2. An assortment of items with your own name on it

sign-Marys-room Source: wp.rchmahar.com

Narcissist? You? Never.

You just happened to have signs saying “EMMA’S ROOM” and “EMMA SLEEPS HERE” hanging everywhere. Nothing weird or self-absorbed about it.

3. Stickers that you ill-advisedly stuck on the wall when you were, oh, 9 and cannot be removed

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You, age 10: "This A Bug's Life sticker will never get old."

You, age 25: "I wish I could remove that A Bug's Life sticker from the wall."

4. At least one very cool poster hanging on the wall

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A reminder of how atrocious your taste in both music and lads was as a teenager.

5. A single Irish dancing medal... that you got for "participation"

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You keep it as a reminder of what could have been...


6. A creepy porcelain doll

porcelain Source: Flickr

Given to you by a well-meaning aunt at some point and subsequently left to gather dust in the corner for, oh, twenty years.

7. A funky CD rack to showcase your truly abysmal taste in music

Because who wouldn't want to show off their vast collection of Gareth Gates and Darius albums?

8. Don't forget about the mandatory funky cushion!

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Purchased right after you made your confirmation when you decided you had outgrown your bedroom's childish decor.

And what better way to announce to the world that you're not a child anymore than by plonking a single lilac cushion on your bed and calling it a day.

9. A jar full of light-up pens

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For all your important correspondences, you know yourself.

10. In fact, your bedroom housed an insane amount of stationery

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Like we said, you had a lot of correspondence to attend to.

And those correspondences required stickers and scented envelopes.

11. And we can't forget about that one unfeasibly large teddy bear

You're never getting rid of it.

No matter how many times your parents ask you to.

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About the author:

Amy O'Connor

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